Monday, July 14, 2008

I Can't Believe it Still Works!!!!

This is a little off topic but I just have to stop and give Plantronics a major plug today. I have one of their BlueTooth headsets that I just got from work.....and promptly ran it through the washer....and dryer AND IT STILL WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Can't believe it. Plantronics you are amazing.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Accessing Security Settings for your Exchange Administrative Group

So this is one that has popped up a couple of times recently. You need to access the security properties on your First Administrative Group in Exchange, but there is no security tab. Those permissions have to be inherited from somewhere right? Well yes and Microsoft is trying to protect us from ourselves (which in this case must be good). Well to do this you need to fire up your favorite registry editor and navigate to:

Then add a DWORD value with the name ShowSecurityPage and set the value to 1. Then you can make all the security changes you want.............just don't come crying to me if you mess up your exchange permissions!!
